
TrailMeister-color-logoWhat is TrailMeister?

TrailMeister is your free online resource for horse trails, horse camps, and all of the information you need for a successful and uneventful ride.

From trail maps, satellite imagery of the parking areas, links to land managers, trail riding clinics, acclaimed magazine columns, applauded videos, and more. TrailMeister is your one-stop for trail riding information.question

TrailMeister was started to solve the biggest problems with finding new places to ride. Where to find accurate information and what to expect once you get there.

bioTrailMeister was created for YOU: the avid, active, or aspiring horse rider. Whether you trail ride as part of your horse training program, as conditioning for competition, or trail ride exclusively because you love being out in nature as much as we do, TrailMeister is for you.

Here you’ll find accurate trail information including current weather, real directions, and the straight scoop on the area that has been verified by the area’s land managers. It’s a lot of work collecting all of this data, we do it for you –  no other site has it all!

TrailMeister.com also has an extensive list of published articles in horse magazines, videos and photos, gear reviews for horse and rider, tips and hints, knots to know, and e-newsletters. You can even share your favorite rides with our GPS tracks feature.

Again, you  won’t find this type of information or level of detail anyplace else.

Why TrailMeister?

Because there’s no better solution to the constant problem of trying to find good, accurate, and clear information on trail areas. We wanted to build a better alternative to what was available. Because we believed that we could, we did.

BIOPICWho is TrailMeister?

The “TrailMeister” is a guy whose perfect ride is an “uneventful” one. He  wants to know the skinny about a riding area before he arrives and wasn’t able to find good, accurate info anywhere else. So he created TrailMeister.

How Does TrailMeister?

TrailMeister.com publishes for the passion of horse riding. How can TrailMeister.com give you all this information for free? It’s through all of the quality sponsors, whose ads you will see throughout the website and on the links page. Please visit our sponsors, in their stores or on-line, and tell them you saw them on TrailMeister.com.

Advertise with TrailMeister!

We can’t do it without you! If your business would like to be in front of our millions of interactions with active avid horse owners let’s start a conversation! Visit our ADVERTISE page for more info.