Review of the EquestriSafe Equine ID Band
Have you ever wondered what might or could happen to your horse if the two of you were separated? Whether a horse wonders away from camp, gets loose at home, or has to be evacuated during an emergency some type of identification is a must if you’re to be confident about being reunited.
In the past I’ve used indelible markers on hooves as well as paint and grease markers on hide. There’s a better way to let someone know who a strange animal belongs to. The EquestriSafe Fetlock ID band.
This wonderful product can be described in four words.
Durable. Visible. Safe. Affordable.

The EquestriSafe after six months of hard use.
When I first heard about the fetlock ID band I was skeptical. Would it stay on? Would it last? Would it get tangled in underbrush? To find the answers to these questions I tested an EquestriSafe ID band in the home paddock as well as to and from and on remote backcountry trails and camps throughout Montana, Washington, and Oregon. We went through brush, mud, and a lot of ground trying to break the band.
The result? After 6 months of nearly continuous use the EquestriSafe Fetlock ID Band looks almost as good as new. The text is easily readable from a distance
and the hook and loop closure system still holds tight.
The fetlock ID band gives me comforting peace of mind when I’m riding in remote areas as well as when I’m closer to home. With my phone number embroidered on the bright neon orange band anyone that finds the horse will have a quick and easy way to contact me.
I wish I had had EquestriSafe Fetlock ID Bands years ago when we boarded our animals and the facility was evacuated due to flooding. The confusion was incredible and my horses unaccounted for a few days. This product would have provided me with a lot of peace of mind in that situation.
The EquestriSafe ID bands are safe to use 24/7 and are designed to come off with just 32 pounds of force should it become entangled. The band doesn’t rub. It stays secure, yet removes easily. It’s a winner.
Here’s three more words describing the EquestriSafe Fetlock ID Band.
Peace of Mind.
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