Featured Trail

What’s a Featured Trail?

featuredtrail3Simply put, a Featured Trail is a horse trail and camping area that you want in front of the most number of people possible.

featuredtrail1If you’re the owner of an Equine B&B or Guest Ranch, and you want more eyes on your facility, making your listing a Featured Trail is a great way to accomplish that goal.


A Featured Trail listing includes:

  • Direct links to your website.
  • Unique icons that stand apart from others on search results pagesfeatured
  • Priority search placement; featured trails appear at the top of trail searches
  • More images of your facility

Price is $99/year

As compared to a standard free trail listing which has:

  • No links to your website – web address only
  • No special icon drawing reader’s attention
  • Listing appears below featured trail areas

If your facility is worth 27 cents per day our Featured Trail option is the way to go.  To set up your listing click on the link –  Create a New Listing »