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Trail Riding Assessment and Informational Learning System – REVIEW

Trail Riding Assessment and Informational Learning System – REVIEW

How’s your horse at trailer loading?  My mule Ruger is a solid 5.

What about having their hooves worked on? Ellie is a 2 (I hope she moves to a 3 but I have my doubts).

Trail Riding Assessment and Informational Learning SystemIf you answered either of these questions with “good”, “OK”, or “not well”, you should think consider reading David McFadden’s new book T.R.A.I.L.S.  – Trail Riding Assessment and Informational Learning System.

David has taken the subjectivity out of judging an animal’s skill sets. Being able to objectively use quantifiable data can be a very valuable tool for deciding:

  • If a prospective horse is a good fit for you
  • Areas to work on with your current animals

How I’ve been using the book:

Trail Riding Assessment and Informational Learning SystemI’ve been using the book to evaluate my animals to find skills that we need work on. Using the scoring system Cocoa started at a 1 – Crowds, pushes, pulls, attempts to graze when led. She’s now at a 3 – Respectful and easily haltered.

With Ellie it would have been easy to say that she’s simply bad at being alone. Using the scoring system she ranks at a 3 out of 6 – Reluctant alone, spooky, stops, slowly recovers. She could be worse and it gives me a tool to measure my progress.

There are two flavors of the book; one unabridged with color images, and another with B&W pictures that includes the most pertinent information.

If you’re looking for a new trail horse, or mule, and want a tool to cut through all of the subjective platitudes offered by sellers, or if, like me, you want a way to quantify how your animals are progressing in their training you should check out T.R.A.I.L.S.  – Trail Riding Assessment and Informational Learning System: Buying and Training Fearless Trail Horses.

Here’s a link with more info –

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