Video Advertising

Interested in advertising during a TrailMeister video?

If you think video advertising is too expensive for your company, think again. TrailMeister offers special advertising packages to help small business owners market products during the acclaimed Horse and Mule Adventures with TrailMeister show. Advertising packages allow you to reach hundreds of thousands of viewers.

Email us or call us directly at 513-374-9021 today to find out how your company can enter the multimedia age for less than the cost of a print ad.

Online video consumption has seen an insane amount of growth in the last couple of years. A report from Syndacast estimates that, by 2018, video will be responsible for 74% of all internet traffic, opening the door for advertisers to take advantage of its rapid growth.

Your ad prominently displayed during a TrailMeister video offers increased visibility for your brand.

TrailMeister Videos are Shared
Today’s users love to share what they like and TrailMeister video advertisements have this quality. More than 1 billion videos are being shared on social media daily. Shared video advertisements create a more stimulating environment for consumers by meeting their expectations. It allows brands to share information quickly and create visually entertainment that generates a powerful platform for conversion and accurately target consumers and prospects.

If you’re interested in joining forces with the TrailMeister video team, we would love to hear from you now.