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Endurance 101: A gentle guide to the sport of long-distance riding – Book Review

The hardest thing about joining a new sport is knowing how to get started. Aarene Storms allows what seems impossible to become a possibility. Anyone interested in joining the rigorous sport of endurance riding receives a friendly & encouraging look into making it happen by reading Endurance 101 a gentle guide to the sport of long-distance riding.

It’s a relief to know that not owning a high bred Purpaloosa or having matching tack and apparel isn’t a requirement to get involved in endurance riding. Aarene takes the reader through the basics by starting with what you already own or can borrow (a horse is needed for the sport), through some of the rules, how to prepare, and what to expect during and after an endurance ride.

Anyone that enjoys riding outside of an arena can use Endurance 101 to put a hoof (or four) in a new sport. The topics covered are applicable to everyone who trail rides and camps with their mount.

Aarene shares her experiences, photographs are by Monica Bretherton, the Bad Idea Fairy gives an amusing but bad perspective, and a list of resources all help the reader receive a picture of the sport of endurance riding.

Currently available in electronic formats for the Kindle and other E-readers.

You can visit for more info on how to purchase.

The TrailMeister says: Feel good about this!